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Maila Yang

Pickling the World’s Spiciest Peppers

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

If you love spice, this recipe is for you! Today we're pickling Carolina Reaper, Scorpion and Ghost peppers.

WARNING: this is extremely spicy from start to finish. Special precautions should be taken when handling these chilies. Wear gloves, at minimum to keep significant chili burn at bay. I recommend wearing goggles and even a face mask if you're sensitive to capsaicin.

The Carolina Reaper is currently the hottest pepper in the world, measuring over 2 Million Scoville Heat Units.

Pickling Carolina Reaper, Ghost and Scorpion Peppers

Sad that summer is coming to an end?  This pickling recipe will have you savoring the summer heat for months to come. As a beginner gardener, end of summer is somewhat bitter sweet.  Not only does it mean a dwindling vegetable garden but it also brings the excitement of canning and pickling end of season harvest. I’ve canned and pickled everything from cucumbers to carrots and jalapenos to green beans. I am always on the lookout for my next preserving experiment.

My husband Tou loves all things spicy, so this year he went a little crazy planting three of the world’s hottest peppers in the garden; Carolina Reaper, Scorpion and Ghost. After making salsa, freezing and drying a huge batch, we decided to pickle some.

I must disclose I am no expert on canning or pickling. After a lot of trial and error I’ve come to use the same basic recipe. The pickling method I am sharing with you today is referred to as “cold pack”. Essentially it means raw food packed into jars to be processed without being precooked. There is no special equipment or skills required.


1 mason jar (24oz) 3 cups peppers ¼ cup white onions (chopped) 6 cloves of garlic (cracked) 1 cup water 1 cup white vinegar pinch of canning salt


Add the water, vinegar and salt in a small sauce pan over medium-high heat and boil until the salt dissolves.

Toss the garlic, onions and peppers into the Mason jar.

Pour the simmering liquid into the jar. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate.

Your pickled peppers will taste best after 48 hours – that’s if you’re brave enough to try it!

Pro Tips:

  • Use gloves when handling spicy peppers

  • Poke tiny holes in the peppers with a tooth pick or similar to infuse pickling juice

  • Quickest way to cool down a spicy mouth is to eat popcorn, bread, crackers or something similar which should help absorb the oils of the spice

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