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Maila Yang

Rice Cooker Sticky Rice – Sweet!

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

If you're crunched on time or don't have a steamer to cook sweet sticky rice the traditional way, then this easy rice cooker method is for you!

Image Source:  Pinterest by AllThaiFoods

Pro tip: make sure the rice packaging says "sweet rice". Short grain rice will give you a stickier, starchier taste and feel.

Glutinous rice is also known as sticky rice or sweet rice. Despite its name it is gluten-free, as are all varieties of rice. The term “glutinous” in this case means “sticky.”

How to cook sweet sticky rice in a rice cooker

Thanks to Hmong Kitchen I have finally found an easy and convenient way to make sweet rice. In the Asian culture, rice is a staple dish that is typical served with every meal. Sweet rice, also known as sticky rice or glutinous rice is white grain rice that becomes extremely sticky when cooked. Despite the “glutinous” name, the rice is gluten-free. Sweet rice is meant to be eaten with your hands and is often used as a utensil to scoop and dip. Traditionally the rice is soaked for at least six hours before being steamed in a cone shaped woven bamboo basket. However, today we are going to skip all of that. I will show you how to make sweet rice in an appliance that nearly every Asian-American owns – an electric rice cooker. Who would’ve thought!


4 Cups sweet rice (any brand) 3 Cups water

*Makes 4 servings.Make more or less using the 2:1 ratio (2 cups of rice, 1 cup of water)

*side note:I used the cup that comes with the electric rice cooker to measure.You can use whatever you like, just stick to the 2:1 ratio


Rinse the sweet rice Add rice and water in the rice cooker Press the cook button (white rice button or whatever yours says) Allow rice to sit in the rice cooker for an additional 10 minutes after it is finished cooking before fluffing with rice spoon or fork

And there you have it – sweet rice made within 40 minutes. Pair it with your favorite meat, dip it in some spicy pepper sauce or turn it into a sweet treat, the options are endless. Enjoy!

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